Tribby3d is a simple yet powerful cloud based structural engineering software for computing tributary areas of column and wall elements.

Model structures directly in the app or import floor layouts as dxf files. Compute the tributary areas of the column and wall elements and download the results as an Excel file, ready to be used for structural design. By using geometric methods, Tribby3d can analyze and estimate tributary areas without the need for a detailed FE model, making it particularly appropriate for early stage design. Read more about the solution here, or check out the demo below;

Tribby3d is equipped with a 2D model editor allowing you to draw floors, columns and walls directly in your browser.
Given a set of floors, columns and walls, Tribby3d computes the individual elements’ tributary area ready to be plugged into your design calculations.

In addition to the visual feedback in the editor, the analysis results from the tributary area computation can be downloaded to excel files.
As an alternative approach to drawing models in the editor – floors, columns and walls can be imported to Tribby3d by dxf files.

Tribby3d allows you to save your projects and models in the app, enabling you to access your models at any time.
Read more about the solution here.
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