Calculating tributary areas of irregular column/wall layouts can be tricky and very time consuming. Luckily, the tool Tribby3d can do this automatically in a matter of milliseconds! Sign up for the free beta today at and give it a try.
Tag: bim
Parametric building designer in Tribby3d
Been busy working on a parametric building configurator for the upcoming multi-story release. Really exciting! Do you have experience with parametric design? If so, please reach out! If you’re interested in testing out Tribby3d to automate column load calculation, don’t hesitate to sign up for the free beta version at
Bugfix 🛠️🛠️ Some users have reported that the analysis breakdown labels in the viewport are hard to read when modeling smaller structures, because they overlap. In Tribby3d 0.19, which was released just now 🚀🚀 all labels resizes depending on the zoom level, making sure they never overlap and can always be easily read by zooming […]
Tribby3d 0.18 was just released! 🚀 This update brings some exciting improvements to the application. For instance, the ability to analyze tributary areas of multiple separated floors as shown in the picture. Read more about the release on the Release Notes page: If you’re interested in testing out Tribby3d to automate column load calculation, […]
Cloud based engineering software is a phenomenon that has evolved massively over the last decades. Nowadays, as we are living in a digital age, the internet plays a vital role in our daily lives. We can easily access our information and deliver our information because of the advancement of this technology. These advancements have also […]
Equations in Tribby3d
At least two of those equations are used behind the scenes in Tribby3d. Can you guess which ones? 💡 If you’re interested in testing out Tribby3d to automate column load calculation, don’t hesitate to sign up for the free beta version at
Tribby3d 0.16 with improved error reporting
Olá amigos! Today Tribby 0.16 was released 🚀 Based on user feedback, this version includes some improvements with error reporting. As you can see in the video, editing models with analysis results is no longer possible. From now on, the model has to be “unlocked” before further modeling can be done. Hope you like it! […]
Some progress on Load Takedown including both column and wall elements! 💥 Check out the video below for a demo: This feature is not released yet, but soon! If you’re interested in testing out Tribby3d to automate column load calculation, don’t hesitate to sign up for the free beta version at
New live chat feature in Tribby3d 💬
Since version 0.15, it is possible to get in touch with tech support right in Tribby3d’s user interface! 💬 If the chat box is green 🟢, that means that you can start a live chat with tech support. In case the support is offline, then a message will be sent to us and responded as […]
Improved wall tributary areas
The algorithm that calculates wall tributary areas was significantly improved in the latest release 🤖 Go get your free beta key and test it out at !